Funnel Social, LLC

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How to Overcome 5 Common Roadblocks to Making a Sale

Although every one of our referrals is verified, you will run into customers who throw up roadblocks. This is not unique to our leads. Most prospective customers will throw negative responses at you either with your initial contact or soon after. In this competitive market, success is determined by turning “No” into “Maybe” and “Maybe” into “Yes.” Just because a prospective customer throws a negative response your way does not mean that they are not going to buy a pool from you or your competition. You must recognize these negative customer responses for what they are - sometimes they are genuine, but often they are simply gut reactions to dealing with an unknown situation.

Be prepared to respond to your prospect’s negative responses with positive responses that (1) acknowledge their concerns, (2) get you past their negative response and (3) keep the conversation going so that you can set up an appointment to sell your pool or project and so that you can genuinely explore their value as a customer now and in the future.

Once again, preparation is the key to success. Write down the common objections that you hear from customers. Then write down your replies. Typically your replies should be in the form of a question to keep the conversation going. If you can keep the customer talking to you, they will be much more likely to agree to an appointment. Questions will keep them talking. The key to preparation is practice. Practice your script and your rebuttals; bounce them off coworkers, friends or family members. Try a couple of mock calls and see if you can lock them down to get an appointment.

Since the customer’s initial negative responses are often gut reactions, you will be surprised how often the customer’s story will change within days or even hours. Even if the customer will not commit to an appointment after your initial conversation, have another salesperson call them back in a day or so. In this follow up phone call make sure all of their questions are answered and they are pleased with your company’s response to their inquiry. If possible, send the customer a letter in the mail and stop by his house to leave a note along with some of your promotional materials or information about your company. A “No” is often a “not right now” or a “Maybe”-- make sure you give the customer ample opportunity to tell you “Yes.”

Some Techniques to Combat Common Homeowner Objections

Below are some roadblocks that you may encounter and some proven techniques to get past them and toward setting appointments and selling your pools. You should put the responses into your own words so that they sound natural in your voice.

Roadblock 1: “You are too late. We have already made a decision.”

Sometimes people will tell you they have made a decision when in fact they are in the process of making a decision. The good news is that either way this is a pool customer. Remember, even if a customer has made a genuine decision to go with another builder, the rapport you build now will always pay off. If you make a strong first impression, the customer will remember you for future projects (adding a new feature, remodels, repairs, etc. ) or if something goes awry with the builder they are currently working with. However, the real question is, Can you make them your pool customer? You need to find out for sure. Is there still an opportunity for you to compete for the project? These simple questions will help you get the real answer you want and will also help you build rapport with the customer:

• "Great I am happy to hear that you have decided to build your pool. What did you decide on? How many estimates did you get? Have you signed an agreement yet?”

Roadblock 2: “We already have enough estimates.”

Although you will oftentimes be one of only two or three builders that receive a lead from us, people use many different resources to find contractors. They might be genuine in their response or they might just be throwing up a roadblock. This kind of response indicates this lead is an essential customer for you to engage because they are actively seeking a pool. You should pull out all the stops to make sure that they get to meet you, learn why you are their BEST option, and pick you as their builder. These simple questions will help you move in that direction.

• “Great, I am happy to hear that you are being thorough in deciding on your pool and choosing a builder. Who do you have coming out and when?” (Try to schedule meeting before or after their appointment, when you know they will be home)

• “We strongly recommend that you receive a minimum of XXXX bids, that way you will have a complete idea of pricing and options in the marketplace etc.”

• “Many of our best customers told us the same thing when we first spoke to them, our pricing and value is highly competitive and I am confident that you will find meeting with us to be extremely helpful.”

Roadblock 3: "I'm not interested right now,” or “We changed our mind,” or “We have decided to put the project on hold."

More often than not, these responses are the customer’s initial reaction to suddenly having to engage in a phone conversation. It is ESSENTIAL that you do not let the conversation end without determining if their negative response is GENUINE or just a gut reaction. By asking customers these types of questions, you will have an opportunity to determine whether their reasons are valid, and if you can overcome their objections, so that you can move forward with setting an appointment.

• "That is perfectly OK; you are still entitled to complimentary information and an estimate if you like.”

• “Do you have any questions about getting a pool?”

• “What type of pool were you initially thinking about?”

• “What made you decide to get a pool in the first place? What made you decide to put it on hold?”

Roadblock 4: "I don't have any money now." or “This is more than we want to spend right now.”

Many customers are not aware of all of the financing options available. Remind them that their estimate is free and building a pool can increase the value of their property. Find out if they would be interested in doing their dream project in stages or if they would like to look at more affordable options. If it’s feasible, you can schedule and work on this during your months when business is slower. If the customer genuinely cannot afford your services or you determine an adjustment to your estimate would not be worth your costs, and they are looking to build now, 

  • Recommend the homeowner contact a reputable referral service like one of our subsidiaries, 

  • If you know a reputable builder who does good, lower end work, recommend them. You are not giving your business away since it is a project you cannot do, in the future, the other builder may recommend you. 

You might also want to become familiar with some of the financing options they could explore. These comments may help you move to the next step with your customer.

  • "I understand and that is one of the best things about our service receiving the information and your estimate is absolutely free. We can also show you some of the ways that enhancing your home with a pool (1) can  increase the value of your property (2) can make it easier and quicker to sell your home and (3) is one of the best and least expensive forms of family entertainment.

  • “Are you familiar with the great financing options that are available? We have recommended XXXX in the past and our customers have been pleased with their service.”

Roadblock 5: “We are only interested in XXXX pool (or product) and you only sell XXXX pools."

Uninformed customers make uninformed decisions. Whether it is a customer who only wants a specific type of pool, brand or finish, you must determine why they have that position and if there is an opportunity for you to provide them with information to help them make a more informed decision. The following questions will help you determine if their reasons for wanting that specific product is justified, accurate, and based on sound information. Try to set up an appointment with them to demonstrate why your product meets or exceeds their needs and expectations. The following question will help you get started.

  • "The product that you are looking is certainly a reasonable option, if you don’t mind me asking, ‘Why did you decide that product is the best option for you?’”