Funnel Social, LLC

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Encourage the Homeowner to Reply to You Faster by doing these 4 Things

Research shows there are several strategies that can positively persuade your prospective customers and improve your chances of moving the conversation towards a sale. Based on Dr. Cialidini’s 6 Principles of Persuasion, we’ve come up with some strategies we think will help  encourage homeowners to reply to you quickly, and potentially with peaked interest, in your services.

Telling the homeowner about your estimate process can go a long way in motivating the buyer to want to work with you. Many homeowners have never purchased a swimming pool or hired a professional contractor for their home remodel projects. Letting the homeowner know critical information like how long the estimate will take, what you will do during the estimate, and why an at-home visit is necessary, can eliminate a lot of guesswork for the homeowner. In addition, a truthful explanation of this process will set homeowner expectations at the right levels.  This is true for letting the homeowner know when they can expect the written bid for the project as well. If you are backlogged and will not be able to write up the actual bid until the next week, be honest about your timeframe. It is always better to estimate more time than you will need and pleasantly surprise the homeowner.

It’s also important to let the homeowner know what to expect after your visit for the estimate. We recommend providing the homeowner with complementary designs, drawings, and brochures along with their written bid. You might consider a brochure that is tailored to your client's project specs. This can highlight work you've previously completed outlining project similarities. If you have already discussed aspects of the homeowner’s project, you can send them a brochure based on that discussion before you meet. An easier option is to include links to the images of your completed work that exemplify all (or parts) of the ideas they have for their project. We think this is beneficial for two reasons: (1) A gift, no matter how small, can go a long way in persuading people to work with you and 2) a visual representation of the project will help homeowners envision their dream pool, kitchen, bathroom, basement, etc. What better way to show the homeowner that you listened to their ideas than to show them a drawing of how their ideas will look? Once ideas are on paper (or on a shared screen), everyone can be on the “same page” and any ideas can be easily discussed. 

If you are able to provide a drawing on site, while conversing with the homeowner about their project, all the better. We have heard time and again from contractors who successfully use software or app to display a vision of the home owner’s backyard dream, kitchen remodel, etc.  on the first meeting. If a homeowner can see an inspiring picture of their project in their own living room and immediately receive their own copy (via email is a great option), the odds of a faster sale are better than if a homeowner has to wait around for a week or two for the project drawing and estimate. Of course, this is not true in all cases, but it is one edge a builder can have in their favor. 

Depending on your market, you might consider leaving the homeowner with a small gift in addition to business cards, brochures and a drawing. Examples are a pen or water bottle with your company information and logo  imprinted on it or something a little more original and related to your services like a keychain with a mini hard hat, shovel or flashlight. An oven mitt if you build kitchens. A mousepad with an image of one of your best looking swimming pools, patios, kitchens, bathrooms, etc. is another idea. The point is to provide them with a small gift to show your appreciation for their time and a little something to help them remember you by. 

Once you are able to meet with the homeowner for a face-to-face appointment, take the time to explain your building process. Taking this time will go a long way with the customer vs. someone who feels like you are rushing through your appointment. 

 In addition to letting the homeowner know how many years you have been working in your field, let the homeowner know any other credentials, awards or experience related to their project. This is not to overwhelm them with information or to come across as braggadocios,  it is simply to assure them that you are more than qualified to do a splendid job on their project.

If you have done work in the homeowner’s neighborhood or an area nearby, let the homeowner know about your experience. Letting the homeowner know you have experience building for homeowners in their neighborhood or nearby, equally affluent neighborhoods is a great conversation starter and one way to build rapport. If you have worked on similar projects, let them know that too. 

Some things to keep in mind when discussing other homeowner projects:

  • If the projects are dissimilar, and the ones you have completed are far less complex and at a lower price point, you may want to emphasize your knowledge of the municipality, permit requirements, and other characteristics that can be generalized. 

  • If you have worked on a similar project but the one you completed was in a less affluent part of town, be careful as to how you compare the projects or talk about your experience. Even if the projects are nearly identical in scope and homeowner expense, those in the more affluent neighborhood might be sensitive to the comparison. However, (and maybe not all that surprising), usually the reverse is untrue. Discussing a similar project that you did in a more affluent neighborhood will more than likely not offend the homeowner in a less affluent one.

The point is to show the homeowner you are familiar with the neighborhood and the type of  project she wants completed.

  • Always be ready with a list of credible references. Let the homeowner know you have this list available if they want to see it. If you have high ratings and good buyer feedback, do not hesitate to refer your prospective buyer to your business page on social media, a web page with testimonials, or your positive reviews on sites like Google Reviews or Yelp.

  • In addition to showing others your expertise, social media sites, review sites, and testimonials have the potential to persuade potential clients to work with you because they demonstrate how other homeowners, similar to them, have used and valued your services. Social media and websites have the added benefit of showcasing images of the work you have completed.

  • If you have poor ratings or bad reviews on any of these sites, address these issues with the appropriate sites right away. If a homeowner asks you about a negative review, be calm and truthful when you discuss the matter.

A pool purchase, a kitchen remodel, or outdoor living space are high-ticket items. Consumers will feel better about spending their hard-earned money with you (vs. your competitors) when they know you are offering them a way to minimize some of their overall costs or want to provide them with a small gift to show your appreciation for their time. In addition, just like complementary designs, limited-time offers are a great way to demonstrate your appreciation for your potential client and incentivize a purchase. Here are a few ideas to think about.

Limited-time Pricing

Applying a limited-time reduced price or discount on a swimming pool is an excellent way to nudge the homeowner to a purchase. One way to make this offer more feasible is if the homeowner agrees to begin the construction during the months when your business typically slows down. Being able to sell a project at any time of year and then schedule them during your downtime is an easier way to grow your business than to take on many more projects and hire more employees to cover your busy season. If this idea is not something you’re interested in, consider offering a limited-time, reduced price on  add-on features like lighting, fencing, pool covers, small water features, etc. This is a great way to encourage an up-sell while also providing a break for the homeowner. While all of these can be very effective, the actual offer should be carefully considered so that it does not affect your bottom line. It’s also important that you let the customer know the discount and the value of the discount. 

Be sure to tell the homeowner the value of what you are offering. For example, if are discounting a fence installation, let them know how much money or what percentage they are actually saving.

A Voucher, Gift Card, or Raffle

Providing the customer with a voucher or gift card for chemicals, patio furniture, pool toys, or other goods in your store can encourage repeat business and maintain customer relationships. If you do not have a showroom or pool store, consider working with one you know and trust to negotiate an opportunity.  Another option is to simply offer a gift card to another store entirely. A place like Amazon is a good option because homeowners would have the option to purchase nearly anything they want. Gift cards to restaurants are another way to go. Entering homeowners in a raffle to win a gift card or voucher is a more economical way to incentivize. 

Services after Installation

If your company provides pool maintenance, provide the first 2 months for free. If your company provides pool openings and winter closing, offer one of these services for free and the other at a discounted price. Ideally this will open the door for ongoing business after the installation. If you do not provide this service consider working with one you know and trust to negotiate an opportunity.  If you build other types of projects, consider an item the homeowner will likely want to use with their new kitchen, outdoor patio, etc. and offer it as a gift of appreciation. 

A Free Event or Gathering

If there are homeowners who you cannot seem to tie down for an appointment to conduct an at-home estimate, consider throwing a free event at your store or showroom. If you don’t have a store or showroom, an invitation to a company-wide gathering or event provides great opportunities for multiple customers to get to know you and your team at once. Any event that you throw can also be a great way to celebrate satisfied customers and thank them for their patronage. The best case scenario is that you host an event that invites both prospective clients and satisfied ones. Don’t forget to add a raffle for a gift. Happy customers, especially ones that are getting free food and an opportunity to win a prize, will do the advertising for you by readily sharing the great experience they had with your company.